Having understood the role of DKIM in ensuring email delivery and authenticity, let us now look at the process of adding DKIM to your DNS records.
The first step is to create a list of all domains that have your authorization to represent you and send emails to end-users on your behalf. This list could include sending services and domains like invoice generators, marketing campaign platforms, etc.
These domains should then be contacted to procure DKIM configuration and a copy of the public key.
The next step is to generate key pairs either internally (if your organization uses its own server) or using third-party tools that facilitate DKIM record creation. However, third-party tools should be used only after checking your organization’s security policy.
After generating your DKIM record, you must publish your public key to your DNS record. DNS providers often support text (TXT) records of up to 255 characters, but you need to contact your provider if you wish to increase the size.
The final step is to save the private key to your mail transfer agent or SMTP server.