Middlesbrough Council Targeted, Interpol Cyber Operation, Unaware Employees Risk

Middlesbrough Council Targeted, Interpol Cyber Operation, Unaware Employees Risk

We are back again with your weekly dose of cybernews. From the deadliest cyberattacks to expert suggestions and preventive measures, we bring it all just for you. This week, we will talk about cyber-unaware employees who are putting companies at risk, the second blow on Middlesbrough Council, and the massive cyber-fraud operation launched by Interpol….

9 technologies to protect your emails from cyber actors

9 technologies to protect your emails from cyber actors

In the fourth quarter of 2023, email threats continued to dominate the cyberattack landscape, with 86% identified as scams and another 9% as phishing emails. These statistics highlight the critical role email plays as a primary target for cybercriminals. Despite these alarming figures, millions of organizations still underestimate the importance of robust email security measures,…

Getting started with BIMI for Zoho Mail

Getting started with BIMI for Zoho Mail

Zoho users should implement BIMI so that their logos are displayed alongside authenticated emails in recipients’ inboxes. This way, more people will trust your messages, and your domain’s reputation will improve. Moreover, a logo creates a professional and consistent presence in emails. The visual logo reinforces that the email is sent by a legitimate source,…

Cybercrime Network Dismantled, CBI Investigates Cyberfraud, CISA Stops Hacking

Cybercrime Network Dismantled, CBI Investigates Cyberfraud, CISA Stops Hacking

This week has been no less of a rollercoaster ride when it comes to the cybersecurity world. From busting the biggest-ever German cybercrime marketplace to conducting a thorough investigation to nab threat actors and sharing advisories and hacks to prevent hacks and cyberattacks, it has been the week when cyber authorities and experts are finally…

5 key contributors to DMARC’s development

5 key contributors to DMARC’s development

DMARC was introduced as a critical email authentication protocol in 2012. Its creation was no accident—it was a cohesion of effort by industry visionaries determined to fight phishing and spoofing attacks. This collaboration laid the foundation for a safer email ecosystem, curtailing the growing threats to digital communication.  The specification was published as an Internet…

Cybersecurity threatens water, Android users warned, Mexico faces cyberattacks

Cybersecurity threatens water, Android users warned, Mexico faces cyberattacks

It’s already week four of November, and the holidays are just around the corner. Leniency at workplaces is already resulting in increased cases of cyberattacks. Before you get too busy with vacation plans and late-night parties with your loved ones, here’s a gentle reminder from our side that your data needs protection and deserves your…

Understanding the gaps in the global cybersecurity landscape in 2024

Understanding the gaps in the global cybersecurity landscape in 2024

Cybersecurity is more than a buzzword today. It is more of a necessity for every organization, whether big or small. We say this because all of them are connected to the internet in some way or another, which means that they are also exposed to the risks. Moreover, hackers, cybercriminals, and state-sponsored attackers are continuously…

Why is it optional to receive DMARC aggregate and forensic reports?

Why is it optional to receive DMARC aggregate and forensic reports?

DMARC reports let you know two important things: whether legitimate emails sent from your domain are failing DMARC checks and whether someone is trying to send phishing emails using your domain. Such information is critical for the effectiveness of the deployed email authentication protocols; you get to know if your SPF, DKIM, and DMARC configurations…

Akira flaunts victims, Idaho targets orthodontist, AI granny protects

Akira flaunts victims, Idaho targets orthodontist, AI granny protects

Whether you are serious about your life or not, threat actors are taking their attacking skills quite seriously. Every day, we hear unfortunate news of cyber scams left, right, and center. Digitization seems to be both a blessing and a curse. Such attacks leave us overwhelmed, and it seems that there is no way out. …

What is typosquatting, and how is it used for phishing and impersonation attacks?

What is typosquatting, and how is it used for phishing and impersonation attacks?

The human tendency to skimp through or glance over things that look familiar is not much of a big deal until it is misused by the bad guys. This applies even in the context of cybersecurity, wherein cybercriminals try to dupe you by exploiting small mistakes or oversights—like a typo in a web address. They…