Our DMARC Lookup Tool is a free online resource that allows users to check and analyze the Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance (DMARC) records for any domain. DMARC is a critical email authentication protocol that helps protect domains from email spoofing, phishing attacks, and other types of email-based threats. By implementing DMARC, domain owners can specify how their emails should be handled if they fail authentication checks, ultimately improving the security and trustworthiness of their email communications.
Key Features of the DMARC Lookup Tool:
- DMARC Protocol Version: The tool identifies the DMARC protocol version used, ensuring compatibility and proper implementation with the latest DMARC standards.
- Policy Enforcement: It provides insights into the domain’s DMARC policy, which can be set to ‘none’, ‘quarantine’, or ‘reject’. This policy determines the action to be taken on emails that fail DMARC checks:
- None: No action is taken, and the domain owner receives reports on email performance.
- Quarantine: Emails that fail the DMARC check are marked as suspicious and may be directed to the spam or junk folder.
- Reject: Emails that fail the DMARC check are completely rejected and not delivered.
- Aggregate Reports (rua): The tool identifies the URIs where aggregate reports are sent. These reports provide comprehensive insights into email traffic and authentication results, allowing domain owners to monitor their domain’s email performance.
- Failure Reports (ruf): It displays the URIs where failure reports are sent, detailing specific instances of emails that failed DMARC checks. This helps in diagnosing issues with email authentication and making necessary adjustments.
- Failure Options (fo): The tool outlines the failure reporting options, such as:
- 0: Reports are generated if both DKIM and SPF fail.
- 1: Reports are generated if either DKIM or SPF fails.
- d: Reports are generated if DKIM fails.
- s: Reports are generated if SPF fails.
Using our DMARC Lookup Tool, users can quickly assess the effectiveness of their DMARC policies, gain insights into their email authentication practices, and make informed decisions to improve their domain’s email security.
Ready to Start?
DMARC Report is designed for large scale reporting needs, with a combination of domains and message volume.