Cybersecurity News – TA453’s Phishing Tactic, Dark Web’s EvilProxy Toolkit, Queen’s Passing Phishing Alert

Cybersecurity News – TA453’s Phishing Tactic, Dark Web’s EvilProxy Toolkit, Queen’s Passing Phishing Alert

Cybercriminals are using new techniques to increase their chances of success in targeted phishing attacks against various organizations. Undoubtedly, online phishing scams are rising, causing significant losses to businesses and individuals. Here are the latest developments related to email security. TA453 Utilizes Multi-Persona Impersonation (MPI) Tactic in Latest Phishing Attacks The Iranian hacking group TA453…

Cybersecurity News – Privacy Activists Target Tech Giant, UK Privacy Regulator, Mailchimp Cyberattack

Cybersecurity News – Privacy Activists Target Tech Giant, UK Privacy Regulator, Mailchimp Cyberattack

Since email security is an ever-changing landscape, organizations and individuals must focus on the most relevant issues to stay one step ahead of adversaries. The article combines the latest email security-related news, which will bring you up to speed with the evolving threat landscape. 1.Google May Invite Penalty After Privacy Activists Target The Tech Giant…

How SPF Can Help Organizations in Improving Email Security and Thwarting Spam, Phishing, and Email Spoofing

How SPF Can Help Organizations in Improving Email Security and Thwarting Spam, Phishing, and Email Spoofing

Email security is of utmost importance for any business today. Email continues to remain the primary means of business communication, and as such, the concerns regarding unwanted spam emails, email spoofing, phishing, and other email attacks are justified. Email authentication standards, such as SPF, are the best tool in any organization’s arsenal against email threats….

Cybersecurity News – Gmail Attack Bypasses, Secure Cloud Fax: Healthcare Transition, Gmail AMP XSS: Discovered

Cybersecurity News – Gmail Attack Bypasses, Secure Cloud Fax: Healthcare Transition, Gmail AMP XSS: Discovered

In today’s evolving threat landscape, email authentication is one crucial aspect that no organization can afford to ignore. With threat actors updating their techniques and methodologies to bypass authentication systems, it has become necessary to be aware of these developments. 1. A New Gmail Attack Variant Bypasses Passwords and 2FA According to the threat research…

Change log

Change log

Version 4.2.2 Wednesday, May 3, 2023 Fixed issues with report consistency. If members of your team are in a different time zone they will see different reports. Synchronized now to the time zone of the team creator. IP addresses were not displaying in the summary view with message volume. Fixed Weekly reports sent to users…

DMARC News: Recent Updates on Email Authentication Standards and Security

DMARC News: Recent Updates on Email Authentication Standards and Security

Email security is the talking point in corridors of cyber expertise, where experts are constantly devising ways to be one step ahead of the cyber adversaries. Following are this week’s developments in cyberspace concerning email security and email authentication standards. A Gift From Apple: Security Standard For Email Identification may become Urgent for Businesses Apple’s…

Top Stories Regarding DMARC, SPF, DKIM, BIMI, and Email Authentication

Top Stories Regarding DMARC, SPF, DKIM, BIMI, and Email Authentication

Email authentication tools such as DMARC, SPF, and DKIM, have become a necessity to ensure email security in today’s times. This post looks at recent developments in DMARC, SPF, DKIM, and BIMI. BIMI is Still a New Trend for Businesses BIMI has been the choice of businesses in the past, especially after its boost in…

Common DMARC Problems Faced by Users

Common DMARC Problems Faced by Users

DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication Reporting & Conformance) is an essential email authentication protocol that protects your email domain from misuse and helps you protect your brand image and customer trust. However, adopting DMARC may be a complicated procedure, with most businesses encountering different difficulties in correctly establishing their domains’ DMARC records. So, here is a…

Eight Strong Reasons to Use DMARC for Your Business

Eight Strong Reasons to Use DMARC for Your Business

Email has become a mainstream communication medium for almost all organizations and businesses. However, it has also become a notorious channel for malicious actors to trick organizations into giving out confidential information by spoofing emails. This problem led to the emergence of a crucial solution for email authentication: DMARC. It stands for ‘Domain-based Message Authentication,…